LOCAL,Regional, and Worldwide Partners
Win, build and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples
Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus
Faith, Growth and Fruitfulness
We are a non-denominational Christian organization creating faith-defining experiences that give students and families the chance to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walks.
For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. We also help with language development, literacy and other spiritual and physical needs
Mission Inter Senegal is the active branch of the Senegalese Evangelical Fellowship, a non-profit organization recognized by the government. MIS seeks to send out national missionaries to the towns and villages in the interior of Senegal who are without any Christian witness. As a non-denominational, private association with a holistic approach to ministry, Mission Inter Senegal's main role is to announce the message of Jesus Christ by means of national projects, development and evangelism.
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the past 25 years, we have been collecting shoe-boxes filled with gifts and delivering them to children in need around the world. Each box is an opportunity for a boy or girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way and hear the Gospel. In Moldova, Marina has a hard life. Her mother passed away and her father is paralyzed. As a young teen, she lived alone with her blind and bedridden grandmother. In addition to her schoolwork, Marina cut wood, collected water, and prepared food for her grandmother until she also died. But great joy came into Marina’s life when she received an Operation Christmas Child shoe-box gift. She loved the hat and gloves she found inside and the note that said, “Jesus loves you.” Soon after, a friend invited her to church where she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Now despite her difficulties, Marina says that knowing God makes her happy. Many boys and girls who receive shoe-box gifts also enroll in our follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, where they learn to follow Christ and share Him with others. It all starts with a simple gift. Will you prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting ministry?
Franklin Graham President, Samaritan’s Purse
Local Partners
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in the local church for Christian living.
Caring Families Pregnancy Services has been around for over 30 years helping those facing an unplanned pregnancy with free services including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, options counseling, parenting program (Earn While You Learn), material resources and a post-abortion Bible study support group, Hearts Set Free. Our most recent endeavor is our new mobile ultrasound van that is able to bring services to women who wouldn't normally be able to get to our center.
Become Part of the Solution is a non-profit organization that reaches out to alcoholics and addicts with unconditional love. We are a unique, all volunteer, community based, non-profit outreach organization based in Vernon-Rockville, CT. The organization was formed to help provide inpatient acute care, post inpatient rehabilitation, and post rehabilitation housing for alcoholics and addicts who are in need.