What is Union’s leadership structure?
We are Elder led, Staff driven, Served by our Deacons and Congregationally Accountable. What does that mean?
Elder Led: those appointed by the church membership, and guided by the Holy Spirit, with the responsibility to shepherd Christ’s church by spiritually feeding, leading, and protecting God’s people. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Acts 20:28-31)
Staff Driven: paid staff are given the responsibility and authority to direct ministry, encourage the disconnected, and train volunteers, while being accountable to one another and the Council. (Acts 6:3-4, 1 Cor 9:7-9)
Served by our Deacons: those appointed by the church membership to pray for the congregation, serve communion, visit the elderly and members who are home-bound and support the efforts of the congregation at large. (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
Congregationally Accountable: the congregation is responsible for voting in the leadership and keep them accountable to scripture and the church membership.
Union Church is grateful to the volunteers who lead our Council, a group of Godly men who model the 1 Timothy description of a leader.
Ron Bystrom
Luke Moffitt
Pastor Christian Cuthbert
Jon Lindblom
Brian Montanari
Our church is blessed with a high-capacity, fun-loving group of men and women. At Union Church, we hire based on three overarching criteria: character(Godliness), competence (developed skill sets), and chemistry (plays well with others). Together, these servants form our ministry staff. Click on each photo to learn more about our team.
Once again, we are blessed with an amazing team of volunteers who bless the congregation with their mindful prayers, servant hearts and willing spirits.
Carol Lawrence
Sherrin Roch
Ray Dupere
Avril Dupere
Business Committee
The Business Committee is a team of volunteers who have a gift with the finances of the church and hold the church leadership and staff accountable to a Godly standard.
Rob Hawley
Ray Dupere
The trustee ministry is designed to gather a group of people to bring glory to God by ensuring that our facilities reflect and promote the glorious God which we serve. Trustees are also responsible for ensuring an environment that allows others to focus on the glory of God reasonably free from distraction (concerning the facilities). The trustee ministry is a ministry. The trustees reflect the person and mission of God by redeeming things, taking things that are broken and making the new. God himself declared at the end of the phase of eternity: “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” (Revelation 21:5)
Sunday Morning Lead and Chair of Board- Al Dingle
Contractor/Compliance - Gerry Gallo
On Call/ Security - Rob Hawley
Custodial - Ray Borasky
Work Days - Bill Burkey